Weekly Astrology Forecast: May 16, 2022 – May 22, 2022
  • 26/07/2024
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Dear Spiritual Seeker, This week we have 3 major Astrology Events that will impact us in different ways. We have the Full Moon and Solar Eclipse in Scorpio, we also welcome Gemini season! A period where you can freely express yourself through words and writing!

Dear Spiritual Seeker,

This week we have 3 major Astrology Events that will impact us in different ways. We have the Full Moon and Solar Eclipse in Scorpio, we also welcome Gemini season! A period where you can freely express yourself through words and writing!


May 16th: Release and relinquish

On Monday, there will be a Full Moon and a Solar eclipse in Scorpio, this is one of a kind experience that will put your hidden emotions through the surface. Don’t hold on to these feelings, release them and set yourself free.

Astrology Event

Full Moon and a Solar eclipse in deep Scorpio

It’s the best time to:

Release and relinquish all your burdens. Drain your thoughts and emotions from that toxic energy. This can be done through meditation, deep conversation, or spiritual practice.

What not to do:

Don’t manifest during a solar eclipse, because the sun’s light is obliterated, and the new ideas coming are from the darkness.


May 17th: Self-care and socialize

On Tuesday, the Moon moves in optimistic Sagittarius and it is in a harmonious angle with the planet of love and beauty, Venus. Which makes this a great day to welcome new people into your life, or spend time with people who matter to you.

Astrology Event

Moon in Sagittarius in harmony with loving Venus

It’s the best time to:

Dedicate this day to self-care, in fact, why not do them with people close to you. Go to a spa together or get a massage.


May 18th: Explore the depths of spirituality

On Wednesday, ambitious Mars connects to mysterious Neptune, allowing you to dig deeper into your spiritual side. Take a third-eye quiz and discover your hidden strengths, or meditate with ambient sounds and reach the highest state of meditation.

Astrology Event

Mars connects to mysterious Neptune

It’s the best time to:

Open your path to spirituality today, the veil between worlds is strongest on this day and it’s the perfect time to do it.

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Review of the Moon Reading 2022: The Ultimate Astrology Reading

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Take a break from your hectic schedule today and look at the Moon. Simply give the Moon a deep look and see how you feel. You'll immediately have a meditative experience, indicating that the moon sign and your subconscious mind are linked. Some people are wise enough to understand themselves and delve deeper into their personalities, allowing them to grow. However, many of us have no idea and continue to seek meaning in our lives. Life becomes difficult for those who lack a sense of purpose. It's a long and pointless journey that leads nowhere. If you are at a point in your life where you feel hopeless, you must turn to astrology. Moon Reading can help those who want to understand how the Moon affects their lives in this regard. That is why, dear friend, we have written this review for you.

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